Wellcome to Vargvind

Pleace click on "2009" and go to the bottom, then You can read our "story" from the past...

News - are here on top.......

Catch the Wind

Catch the Wind
Lingo lead together with Vindsnabbe's Coyote "Cody", fall 2006

Wednesday, March 24

Keep Them Happy

foto: happy dogs on snow just after start in Gludsted. Kebne and Tanna in lead, Isa and Bree point, Shika and Vince, Juno and Seppe team, Kaise and Pavlo in wheel. Tanks again Allan for taking fotos.

Congratulations to all pure-bred entrants in Femundløpet, Polardistans and Amundsen Race. Our Grynna (Team Vacha Star) can be praud at her outcome (4 as dam and 4 as grand) on Anders and Agneta Hörnlunds team on Femund400; nr 41 out off 53 starts (41/53), Polardistans160; 3/17 and AmundsenRace400; 22/36.

Now we are looking forward to the new puppie season.